Sunday, October 22, 2006

So... Sudoku?

Just wanted to test this Sudoku thingy I found while surfing. It's supposed to change daily, I think... I have become so addicted that I need more than one a day, though!

[print version]

Visit for more puzzles, solutions, hints, books and other resources.

I do have a puzzle book, too, but some of them are too hard. For some reason I just don't find much amusement in the really hard ones!


NanNan said...

Hahaha, there must be a gene for sudoku-- I've got it too-- I print off three a day from
keeps my hands busy in between food to mouth episodes!!!

NanNan said...

Hey, really like that new pic ,, miss piggy just had to go-- miss mikki is much better!!!

Tuffysmom said...

The new picture didn't show up, but I can see it here. I love Sudoku too...I am the Master of Sudoku...I can do the easy ones in less than ten minutes...hehehehe.
For some reason I haven't really tried the hard ones.
I did do one medium once!
Love you lots Mikki....
Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx