Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just Foolin' Around - Revisited

I have been spending a fair bit of time on my computer lately, but not much of that writing my own blog (just checking out others'). I want to learn to write CSS (cascading style sheets), so that I can create my own templates for blogs. So, as required by my own obsessive nature, I have been feverishly surfing the 'net, looking at other CSS templates (some are really nice!!) and studying at the W3 Schools. Just check out Zen Garden to see what I'm talking about. I don't mean to imply I aspire to their standards, but I sure would like to know how they do it! The only problem is that once a compulsion hits me, I have a real hard time un-focussing - kids and dogs starve, dishes and laundry pile up (more than usual), babies sit in motionless swings waiting for someone to wind them up, my legs grow hairier.... it's just not pretty!
Everyone else here is fine, all doing their own thing - Eric has been jamming quite a bit, getting ready for a big Hallowe'en show, Jamie is at cadets tonight, doing some shooting, Travis is at work (A&W), and Todd is playing guitar for Caitlyn (his captive audience, as it were). For a few minutes, I can do what I want! So, I better get back to it - I got some CSS to practice.


Tuffysmom said...

I swear to God I am psychic. I just knew you were going to try to make your own templates...I knew it!!!!!!
Poor baby, sitting in motionless swing, listening to Todd!
Nice to know Jamie is out shooting...hehehehehe.
Sure miss you guys a lot..
Lots and lots of love..Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

NanNan said...

How is it our kids get smarter than us ???? Can't wait to see your new templates--- my legs keep getting hairier, but i'm not learning anything while it's happening, except you get a call to go subbing when your legs are hairiest and your clothes aren't ready-- gotta wait for the dryer to finish !!!!! Meanwhile, I'll check out your w3 school. much love, but don't forgot us, the purpose of this whole blogging thing!!!!!!

NanNan said...

I found this blog with templates----http://blogspottemplates.blogspot.com/

NanNan said...

I really like this template, but how did she get the music to automatically come on ----