Sunday, October 29, 2006

Girls' Night Out

This weekend is one big party here in town. They call it Mardi Gras, even though it is the wrong time of year, mostly because the downtown closes the "bar street" to traffic. You pay $10 to get on the street, and then can wander from bar to bar like it's one big party. Everyone dresses up for Hallowe'en, and they have contests for the best costumes, etc. It's lots of fun, and you see some pretty creative costumes. Actually, I had forgotten how much fun it is - it's been years since I went down to Mardi Gras... until last night.
Last week Donna asked me to go with her, dressed up, of course. I wasn't too keen, being the anti-social people-phobe that I am. She begged, though, and even managed to use the guilt tactic on me - she said she really wanted to go, and no one else would go with her, we haven't done anything together in ages, blah blah blah. I told Todd, thinking he would maybe discourage me from going out, but he confounded my plan by saying, "Yeah, you need a night out!" So, I tried the "I don't have anything to wear" scheme - no good, Donna would find something for me. Ok, then.... the night before our "date", I said to Todd, "My knees are hurting... maybe I should stay home tomorrow." He threatened to call Donna and have her come over and badger me in person. There was no way out - I was roped in, and feeling anxious. Ah well... sometimes all you can do is admit defeat with what little dignity you have left. Here we are, all dressed up and ready to party on George Street:
Halloween Girls
Of course, Caitlyn didn't come with us, but she did want to dress up for the picture. Anyway, I am so glad that Donna is the pushy broad that she is. She finds ways to make me do things I wouldn't otherwise, and I usually end up having fun. We had a blast, danced the whole night, laughed at all the crazy costumes, ran into old friends, ate at an all-night cafe, and straggled home at 5am (or, 4am, after the time changed). My feet are killing me today, and my voice is hoarse from all the shouting and laughing. That's how you know you had fun! Really, though - I am getting a little too old to this more than once a year... hehehehe


NanNan said...

And that's why we're attracted to "social" friends---- and husbands who give us that push we need to have fun-- glad you had some, fun , that is-- only in Newfoundland-- Mardi Gras !!! Great idea though, combining Hallowee'en with another festival-- they know how to have fun--- And how was Todd's evening--- hahah!!

NanNan said...

PS- I like the harbour view---

Tuffysmom said...

Wow...I'm really glad you went out and had's been quite a while for you. That is when you usually have the most fun, when you really don't want to go.
Love you lots and lots.
Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx