Thursday, October 12, 2006

Obsession (not) by Calvin Klein

Well, here it is... my first attempt to really personalize my blog. I'm not sure if I like it yet, so there will probably be modifications, because I am obsessed. With what, you may ask. I answer: with whatever catches my attention at the moment. These days they call that OCD, don't they? No matter; it is just too much fun trying to figure out solutions to design and function problems. Maybe my brain isn't completely used up yet!


NanNan said...

WOW---Not OCD, but fabulous CSS--- can you make money from these skills--should be a way---the only modification??GET RID OF MISS PIGGY AND REPLCE HER WITH MISS MIKKI !!Love

NanNan said...

Challenge to Mikki-- hoping you really have OCD and will feel compelled to work on this-- What about a header for me- outline of australia, with 3 kangaroos--- their joeys sticking out of pouches are Austin, Alex, and Alexis?? Possible?? Huh-- you say it will cost me big bucks ??? The cheque is in the mail!! Trust me---

NanNan said...

PS- I like the butterfly kiss effect !!

Tuffysmom said...

P.S. from previous blog...need pictures of the prettiest girl in Nfld!!!!!!! hehehehehe.
And don't keep saying 'I have to get my camera fixed'..Just get it fixed please, please, please.
Love Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

Gillian said...

I don't want to give you something to obsess about but for some reason I can't scroll down your page to look at previous posts, the scroll bar on the right doesn't show up... I'm having the same problem with your moms new cat page too...

later, G.

NanNan said...

Nl: I wonder if that problem applies to anyone else, I can scroll down, no problems with either---