Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Little Cutie

Nothing special going on today, just thought I'd post a picture Todd's mother had taken and sent to us not too long ago. Her camera takes beautiful shots - she actually uses a camera with film in it, not a digital one! The pictures always print out so nicely. Anyway, here's Caitlyn cuddling her Pooh bear...
Adorable Caitlyn

Friday, May 25, 2007

Tit for Tat?

Todd's old Suzuki Vitara finally gasped it's last breath, and for a little while, he was without a vehicle. That meant it was up to me to make sure he could go anywhere he wanted to go... *ugh* Thankfully, he stopped panicking long enough to get over to the Jeep dealership, and get his loan application in. And so, today, he is the proud new owner of a 2007 Jeep Liberty. It looks just like this:
Todd's Puny Jeep
He has himself convinced that it is a much better vehicle than my mini-van, even though they both have 3.something litre engines, and are both V6's. Never mind that mine is bigger, more comfortable, and can carry more passengers. Apparently none of that is relevant! Just because his has "Jeep" stamped on the front of it, and allegedly can climb mountains.... silly man. :o)

No actual news, just thought I'd express myself regarding newer, better vehicles. So, class dismissed. Off you go, then!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Those who mock mini-vans...

...should not then beg to drive them. For weeks I have been debating whether to buy out my Toyota Matrix at the end of the lease, or whether I should just go ahead and get a 7-passenger mini-van, since we will soon have 7 people living in this house. Todd and Travis were both totally against the mini-van idea, as if my owning one would somehow adversely effect their collective man-hood. Silly boys! If they could show me how to get 7 people into that Matrix, then I wouldn't have to consider the mini-van. Besides, if I am the one paying for it, and the one who will be driving it, why do they even get to express an opinion?! So, as of yesterday, I am the proud owner (or leasor) of a brand new '07 Toyota Sienna. I like it. I like it alot. It looks like this:
Now that it's in our driveway, Todd and Travis are just itching to take it for a spin. I intend to make them wait until I feel like it, considering all the derision they heaped upon it before I got it. It's really driving them nuts, especially since Todd's truck is in it's death throes and can't really be driven anymore. I feel fantasically smug... maybe even a little bit evil *mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa........*

Anyway, that's about all the news for now. We're all doing fine (except for Todd, who is still suffering a little bit from his surgery a couple weeks ago). The weather here has been weird, one day nice and sunny, making us want it more, the next day back to cold, rain, drizzle and fog. I still have nothing put out in the garden *pout* And so, life here on The Rock continues as always :o)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

I am a very bad child - I did not call my Mom today! There is no excuse, so all I can do is hope she forgives me, 'cause I do love and appreciate her, and, after all, I am her favorite. Right, Mom? Mom? Anyway, I wish my Mom, and all our extended Blog-Fam's Moms, the best Mother's Day. Love to you all!
As for me and mine: I had a nice Mother's Day. I got breakfast in bed, prepared by my boys, and not too early in the morning :o) They all got together, and gave me flowers and a really nice gardening book, too. Todd took a million pictures, none of which shall ever be viewed publicly, as I was still in bed, hair not combed, etc! I have had to do only minimal house work today, and even got to have a nice nap this evening. Why can't every day be mother's day?
Todd's mom is in town for tonight, as she is flying to Halifax tomorrow morning to stay with her daughter Tracey, who is about 30 weeks pregnant, and is having some trouble with toxemia. She's getting excellent care, so we are hoping everything will turn out just fine. Anyway, Sharon brought a beautiful cherry cake with her, so that's what I've been feasting on all evening. It's nice when the in-laws come! :o)
Todd had a "minor" surgery last Friday, so he has been walking around ever so carefully this weekend. He'll probably have to take tomorrow off, too - I guess he got roughed up a little bit. Gee, I hope that wasn't too much information for anybody... tee hee hee
Well, gotta go, maybe have another piece of that cake. After all, I am eating for two - again!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

It's May already!

I can't believe how easily time gets away from me these days! I have been pretty busy; it seems that all the various appointments we all have are bunched together on the calendar. All of us have dentist appointments this next week or two - on different days, of course, so we have to drive there five times. Caitlyn got her one-year needles (three of them in one appointment!) - she was not happy! She'll be seeing her pediatrician next week for a check-up. Oh, and she is now 15 lbs 9 oz. Almost the size of a 9 month old! Hooray! Anyway, to continue: I've got ultrasounds, bloodwork, ob/gyn, counselling (for crazy old women who don't know what birth control is, I suppose). Todd is going in for a day surgery next week; the idea being that there will be no more "unexpected surprises" *wink wink* His boss at work was teasing him, he said "So you've finally figured out what's been causing all the pregnancies!" Funny guy, eh?
Well, it's another cold, gray, drizzly day here - so much for trying a little yard work. It's just no fun if you can't feel your fingers. One small consolation - the fog has dissolved the last of the filthy dirty pile of snow on our front yard. Now you can see the whole dead yellow lawn in all it's glory! Heh heh heh. I know the sun is up there somewhere, 'cause we're all still alive, and there is a bit a daylight breaking through the fog. I will just wait longer, I guess :o) Oh, and just 'cause I know you need to know - I have not shaved my legs in preparation. I feel there is absolutely no rush!