Monday, October 30, 2006

Another Silly Quiz

Just how accurate is this one, anyway? Made me laugh, though...

You are a vampire!
You are suave and seductive. Eternal life is yours and you never tire of coming up with crazy ways of amusing yourself and others. Sometimes, however, your taste for blood comes in the way of friendships as you are constantly turning your friends into vampires.

Take this quiz at

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Girls' Night Out

This weekend is one big party here in town. They call it Mardi Gras, even though it is the wrong time of year, mostly because the downtown closes the "bar street" to traffic. You pay $10 to get on the street, and then can wander from bar to bar like it's one big party. Everyone dresses up for Hallowe'en, and they have contests for the best costumes, etc. It's lots of fun, and you see some pretty creative costumes. Actually, I had forgotten how much fun it is - it's been years since I went down to Mardi Gras... until last night.
Last week Donna asked me to go with her, dressed up, of course. I wasn't too keen, being the anti-social people-phobe that I am. She begged, though, and even managed to use the guilt tactic on me - she said she really wanted to go, and no one else would go with her, we haven't done anything together in ages, blah blah blah. I told Todd, thinking he would maybe discourage me from going out, but he confounded my plan by saying, "Yeah, you need a night out!" So, I tried the "I don't have anything to wear" scheme - no good, Donna would find something for me. Ok, then.... the night before our "date", I said to Todd, "My knees are hurting... maybe I should stay home tomorrow." He threatened to call Donna and have her come over and badger me in person. There was no way out - I was roped in, and feeling anxious. Ah well... sometimes all you can do is admit defeat with what little dignity you have left. Here we are, all dressed up and ready to party on George Street:
Halloween Girls
Of course, Caitlyn didn't come with us, but she did want to dress up for the picture. Anyway, I am so glad that Donna is the pushy broad that she is. She finds ways to make me do things I wouldn't otherwise, and I usually end up having fun. We had a blast, danced the whole night, laughed at all the crazy costumes, ran into old friends, ate at an all-night cafe, and straggled home at 5am (or, 4am, after the time changed). My feet are killing me today, and my voice is hoarse from all the shouting and laughing. That's how you know you had fun! Really, though - I am getting a little too old to this more than once a year... hehehehe

Friday, October 27, 2006

A choice has been made

It only took about 20 minutes of discussion, and Todd and I reached concensus, with neithor blows nor sarcastic remarks exchanged! Boy, we must be really tired... hehehehe So, we have a colour chosen for the rec room - it's called "Cupid's Red" by Sico Paint, and it's a nice rich red/almost burgundy which should look nice with the green felt of the pool table. Hope so, anyway, 'cause we bought three cans of it! We chose a more neutral colour for Eric's room, since he was being difficult, and refused to pick a sensible colour - he asked for pink, thinking it would be amusing. I will not paint his room pink, only to have him say later that he was only kidding. But I digress... Eric's room will be a light kind of brown called "Cigar Box". I think it will look pretty nice... but, I have been wrong before. I have pictures of the rec room as it is now, a dark, blah blue(see the photo) - I'll have to post a comparison when the painting is all done, hopefully by this time next week.
Anyway, I am having trouble posting the little paint chip sample I have, so I will have to try again later. How frustrating!

Update - I can finally upload an image! This is the colour we chose for the rec room:
Cupid's Red

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ever So Busy

Well, in a weird way, I have been busy. Not much is getting done around the house, but Caitlyn is getting bigger and bigger! I think she is going through a growth spurt - all she wants to do lately is nurse, sometimes almost every hour (even through the night). It doesn't sound like work, but it sure makes me tired! Poor Todd is tired too, since he usually ends up getting out of bed to bring Caitlyn to me. When we finally do fall asleep, we crash completely. The boys unintentionally played hookey today, 'cause no one heard the alarm when it went off this morning. This baby is getting tiring! We can only hope that one day, she will actually sleep through the whole night. That night will be glorious.... *sigh* Anyway, other than our infant-induced insomnia, not much is going on around here. Eric's room is slowly coming together. It will soon be time to paint it. Unfortunately, no one can agree on a new paint colour, so that might slow down production a bit :o) It will be a relief to finally have everything put back where it belongs, though - you can hardly kick your boots through here. Maybe I'll go have a nap, see if the Tidy Fairy visits us!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

So... Sudoku?

Just wanted to test this Sudoku thingy I found while surfing. It's supposed to change daily, I think... I have become so addicted that I need more than one a day, though!

[print version]

Visit for more puzzles, solutions, hints, books and other resources.

I do have a puzzle book, too, but some of them are too hard. For some reason I just don't find much amusement in the really hard ones!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Scary days ahead...

Hallowe'en is coming! Normally I don't do too much for it (actually, what I like to do is turn off all the lights, and hide very quietly - pretending I'm not home because I've already eaten all the candy I bought... twice). Todd, on the other hand, is getting excited. He wants to decorate inside and out, and let kids come in the house to do a tour. Surely we can come to some compromise! I don't want herds of children wandering through my home for hours on end. Wait a second... I have that every day! Now, that's scary! I don't know yet what Eric and Travis are doing for Hallowe'en - they both say they're too old to dress up, but it's not hard to tell that they would love to. Travis is thinking of going to the Harbour Haunt this year. I've never gone, the line up is usually too long for impatient me, but I've heard it's really good. Maybe one day I'll go for it. I think Eric will be playing a show with one of his bands - he would love a recipe for fake blood if anyone has a good one (the last batch we tried came out looking like berry jelly - purple and gelatinous jelly). Jamie can't make up his mind for a costume, which means we'll be scrambling at the last minute, as usual. Todd has already gotten a costume for Caitlyn, since she'll probably be helping to answer the door all night. She had a dress rehearsal just this past weekend:
Pretty Witch
Hey - it's after midnight. I'm Forty Years Old now! I thought I was feeling a little old just then. Wonder if Todd is making me a cake this year. Last year was the first time he ever baked anything. Wasn't that sweet - his first foray into baking was especially for me :o) Look at this gorgeous cake!
Birthday cake
At one point it said "Happy Birthday Michelle"... but then the frosting melted. Now he knows to let the cake cool first. *smirk*

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Obsession (not) by Calvin Klein

Well, here it is... my first attempt to really personalize my blog. I'm not sure if I like it yet, so there will probably be modifications, because I am obsessed. With what, you may ask. I answer: with whatever catches my attention at the moment. These days they call that OCD, don't they? No matter; it is just too much fun trying to figure out solutions to design and function problems. Maybe my brain isn't completely used up yet!

Need a proper exclamatory statement...

How about:
Holy cow!
Been so busy lately, it's insane! All I wanna do is play on my computer, but I hardly ever get a chance. Caitlyn is becoming a very demanding little person, always expecting all eyes to be on her. Luckily, she is very cute, and keeping all eyes on her is an easy job. Unluckily, it means that not many other jobs get done around here. Todd's been pretty busy too... he has to build a room in the rec-room area for Eric. Before he can do that, he has to build book shelves so that we can put away all the books we have, to make enough space to build the room. Then, he has to work on a little space we have set aside for Caitlyn's nursery - so far she's been staying in our room (I would say "sleeping" in our room, but she doesn't do as much of that as she should!). He better hurry up, though - his paternity leave ends some time in January!
Ok, that's all I have time for right now - it will soon be time to go get boys from school, and then shopping for a new freezer (a whole story in itself). If I had just a little more energy, you might think I'm whipping around like a tornado. Really, I probably look a little more like dirty sink water slowly spinning my way through a mostly-clogged drain. *sigh*

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Test - Inspired by NanNan

You may be asked to allow an Active-X thingy... just say yes, I promise it won't hurt :o) Hopefully, when you click the start button on the little console, you'll hear music. Mike, I used the song you composed for O God,My God... just say the word, and I can find something else to put here :o)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just Foolin' Around - Revisited

I have been spending a fair bit of time on my computer lately, but not much of that writing my own blog (just checking out others'). I want to learn to write CSS (cascading style sheets), so that I can create my own templates for blogs. So, as required by my own obsessive nature, I have been feverishly surfing the 'net, looking at other CSS templates (some are really nice!!) and studying at the W3 Schools. Just check out Zen Garden to see what I'm talking about. I don't mean to imply I aspire to their standards, but I sure would like to know how they do it! The only problem is that once a compulsion hits me, I have a real hard time un-focussing - kids and dogs starve, dishes and laundry pile up (more than usual), babies sit in motionless swings waiting for someone to wind them up, my legs grow hairier.... it's just not pretty!
Everyone else here is fine, all doing their own thing - Eric has been jamming quite a bit, getting ready for a big Hallowe'en show, Jamie is at cadets tonight, doing some shooting, Travis is at work (A&W), and Todd is playing guitar for Caitlyn (his captive audience, as it were). For a few minutes, I can do what I want! So, I better get back to it - I got some CSS to practice.