Monday, September 18, 2006

Playing with video...


NanNan said...

OHHH- that's so cute--- and you're so smart!!!! Seems like she's in the same room with me-- what a sweetheart, and looking so bright and wise--- thanks for that moment!!! moments, I mean, since I plan to go back, and back, and back- here I go!!! love

Fireguy said...

Neat - O!
All I can say is "WOW"

Tuffysmom said...

Woohoo, another computer genius in the family. It runs in the genes I guess. My gosh, she's doing so well....I treasure every single picture of her...thanks Mikki. That's so cute...looks like she stopped the video herself. And she's holding her head up, and she knows what her fingers are for! It's so amazing to see her grow. Thank God for computers.
I love you guys so much!!
Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

NanNan said...

How'd you do that?? Peachy keen colour???

NanNan said...

What's going on-- the peachy background is gone now-- am I seeing things????