Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Great Hunter has Returned!

So, they made it home safely, and with lots of bottled moose. The sausages, roasts and steaks will have to wait 'til next week, when the butcher in Burin is finished with the meat. They all had fun, and seem to have gotten the urge to shoot out of their systems for now. See how happy they are?

Hail the Great Hunters!

Jamie had to get an emergency hair cut today - Cadets are up and running again for the year. His hair is so easy to take care of when he's in cadets... don't even have to comb it! Looks nice, too, in my opinion. I don't think Eric would do well in cadets at all...

One Hairy Eric

Well, gotta go... I downloaded a trial version of Painter Essentials last night, and it needs to be played with. It can turn regular photos into works of art (meaning they look like they have been hand painted). Lots of fun!


NanNan said...

EWWW! What is it about bleeding meat that makes men smile???
I can't get over how much Eric looks like Philip-- except for the hair!!
Looking forward to seeing your works of art, Mona Caitlyn Lisa!! How did the knick knacking go??

Tuffysmom said...

Gadzooks...what happened to the nice hair cut he got when I was there!!!!! Man oh Man....that is HUGE hair! Gads....I just can't say it enough Gads....Gotta love him though...he looks like he just woke up.
Lots of love, Mommy...xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

NanNan said...

Mikki, enlarge the pic of Eric and friend-- Those circles on his shirt, are they really there, or are they something else??

NanNan said...

Sorry to keep on, but I'd be willing to bet those are spiritual orbs on Eric's shirt-- I've encountered them before-- few and far between-- enlarge the biggest one to two hundred percent and see if you can see a face---- I'd say you've been butterfly kissed!!!