Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Idle hands, and all that

Notice anything different? You should... the last template was, well... um... pink. I decided I wanted something different, but I am not sure where I want to go with it. What do you guys think?

What colour-theme should my blog use?
tans and beiges
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Anyway, Todd called last night. They have got their moose, and will be heading over to his Dad's place to clean it and cut it up (yuck). Hopefully he'll be home in another day or so. He says he took lots of photos - anyone want to see chopped up dead animal? Not me!! Maybe once we have a nice roast with vegetables and gravy, I will take a picture to show you.

Uh oh - Caitlyn is stirring. Time for me to go again. A Mom's work is never done, you know.


Tuffysmom said...

Sorry, but this template still looks pink to me. Although not as nice a pink as it was before.
I sincerely cannot believe that you like moose meat! Too gross. Tough, stringy and wild tasting. I prefer cows who have lived a peaceful live, chewing their cud with no fear of being shot..with not even a clue in their head that soon they will be bludgeoned to death..drained of their body fluids...and prepared for our hamburgers and steaks. Nice, innocent, tame cows.
hehehehehe...Love you lots.
Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

mikki said...

Well, Miss Saucy Pants, it may look pink to you right now, but it is a nicer shade of pink and it may change again at any moment!