Friday, June 09, 2006

Speaking of houses...

So, just before going to bed, I check out the FamBlogs (our Family Blogs, for short). TravelingMan is back from Alberta with photos of the old homestead, and NanNan comments on how houses were once homes. I think to myself: I know that my house on Brookfield Road was a home for my family; as we are fixing it up for sale, I realize just how hard it will be to let it go. Of course, it was the first house I ever actually owned, so that probably makes it harder... Now we are learning how to turn this new house into a home, with a few extra people and animals thrown in to make it a real challenge. We have been in this house for almost four months now, and it is only recently that I am able to call it home - ie. "Let's drop in to Dairy Queen before we go home." I think it has been easier for Todd and Travis, because they didn't have the same association with their house as I and my boys did/do with ours. For us, the house on Brookfield Road feels like the only physical connection we have with Max - his hand was in every room of that house. Eric and Jamie both appreciated and were proud that their Dad had built their bedrooms specifically for them. As for myself, I feel reluctant to leave the place where I last saw Max alive, the place he so wanted to be when he drew his last breath. So, now I have to let go of the house, and learn to trust that Max is with me where ever I go. He did tell me that it's just a house - I should learn to listen to him!
Anyway, look what happens when I read an innocent comment! My crazy head is gonna get me into trouble one of these days :o) I better get on with my housework before I find something else to set me off...


NanNan said...

It will be hard when that day comes, take lots of pictures- and at the risk of sounding "trite", always remember you're not letting Max go- his home is where his love resides- wherever you are- and you honour him by embracing life to the fullest- yeah, easy to say, hard to do, I know :(

Tuffysmom said...

Well said Nannan. Oh Mikki, Max will always be with you...but I understand how you feel about the house. Like Sue said...take lots of pictures! I love you very much, and my thoughts are always with you. Lots of love, mommy, xxxx ooooo xxxxx

Tuffysmom said...

I read your answer on Suzie's blog. You never told me that. I always wondered how you were feeling but didn't want to pry. All I can say is, I think things are the way they are supposed to be. Love you lots..mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

Tuffysmom said...

Hi..just a Michael's is about spontaneous human is hilarious!