Wednesday, June 14, 2006


To satisfy her clamouring, adoring audience, Caitlyn has graciously agreed to pose for a few candid photos...

Note the towel under her little head. That is a sad attempt to protect our bed from her unceasing spit up. She has just fed here, and is very much like a full water balloon - one false move, and she'll gush like Ol' Faithful. Another note: she is out like a light, and this was taken at 8:30 am. Why can't she be like this at 11:30 pm?! I'll have to take a picture of her during her late evening/night fussy-fit, so you can all see how one can go from beauty to the beast :o)

Let's take a closer look, shall we? You might be able to see a little spit up on her arm...

I snuck a shot of Todd relaxing (or is it collapsing) after trying to sooth a fussy Caitlyn last night. He doesn't look very comfortable to me, but each to his own, I guess :o)


NanNan said...

AWWW---She's so cute!!! Is Todd finding fatherhood a little greulling? (sic) Amazing how men can sleep in any position, anywhere-- thanks for the piccys!! love you

Fireguy said...

Thanks for the pictures - cute, well, all except for the last one...hehehehehehe

Tuffysmom said...

God she's cute...she must take after me...hahahahahahahaha. Can't wait to see her in real life. She looks quite chubby and content. Now I must go back and steal that picture for my computer. Love you always, always, always.
Love mommy, xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

Tuffysmom said...

I just can't stop looking at that picture! I love it so much. Love always, mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

Tuffysmom said...

How was your weekend? Love Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

Tuffysmom said...

Man...much as I love looking at that picture...we need new news! I know 'nag nag nag'! Still love you though.
Love, Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

NanNan said...

I think she's waiting to see how many comments she can get from one post--the baby will be all grown up soon- or just maybe, she has a life apart from blogging- hope not!!!! Now we need some eyes open baby piccys---love you

Tuffysmom said...

Actually, in her defense..she was away for the weekend, and now she is working on her old house to get it ready to sell. I texted her tonight! That's how I know.
By the way..Big Brother started tonight...did you see it?