Friday, May 25, 2007

Tit for Tat?

Todd's old Suzuki Vitara finally gasped it's last breath, and for a little while, he was without a vehicle. That meant it was up to me to make sure he could go anywhere he wanted to go... *ugh* Thankfully, he stopped panicking long enough to get over to the Jeep dealership, and get his loan application in. And so, today, he is the proud new owner of a 2007 Jeep Liberty. It looks just like this:
Todd's Puny Jeep
He has himself convinced that it is a much better vehicle than my mini-van, even though they both have 3.something litre engines, and are both V6's. Never mind that mine is bigger, more comfortable, and can carry more passengers. Apparently none of that is relevant! Just because his has "Jeep" stamped on the front of it, and allegedly can climb mountains.... silly man. :o)

No actual news, just thought I'd express myself regarding newer, better vehicles. So, class dismissed. Off you go, then!


Fireguy said...

Nice vehicle! Similar to my Blazer.
I too am the SUV type, but hey - the mini-van is cool too. Just can't go some places the SUV can. SUV great for taking us geocaching.
Love - Jim

Tuffysmom said...

In my opinion..the mini-van is a much better looking vehicle..and also it can carry all the people in the household..hehehehehe.
Actually, yes he has a nice Jeep (oxymoron, if you get my drift). But, at least he has a vehicle that he can let the kids drive, whilst you keep yours to yourself!!!
Love, Mommy, xxxxx ooooo xxxxx.

Anonymous said...

Well said.