Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Little Cutie

Nothing special going on today, just thought I'd post a picture Todd's mother had taken and sent to us not too long ago. Her camera takes beautiful shots - she actually uses a camera with film in it, not a digital one! The pictures always print out so nicely. Anyway, here's Caitlyn cuddling her Pooh bear...
Adorable Caitlyn


Tuffysmom said...

Awwwww...she just keeps getting cuter! Thanks for the picture.
Wonder why no one is blogging anymore...sigh!!
Miss you and love you
Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

Anonymous said...

She is sooooo cute! How old is she now? She has gottn so big since the last time I saw her! So you are pregnant again....congrats! we will have to get together when school finishes so we can catch up! Take care.

Anonymous said...

OOOPS forget to sign the above comment....this is Paulette.

Funnyface said...

Just catching up on the blogs..
Oh, she is just so cute.

Take care :)