Saturday, May 05, 2007

It's May already!

I can't believe how easily time gets away from me these days! I have been pretty busy; it seems that all the various appointments we all have are bunched together on the calendar. All of us have dentist appointments this next week or two - on different days, of course, so we have to drive there five times. Caitlyn got her one-year needles (three of them in one appointment!) - she was not happy! She'll be seeing her pediatrician next week for a check-up. Oh, and she is now 15 lbs 9 oz. Almost the size of a 9 month old! Hooray! Anyway, to continue: I've got ultrasounds, bloodwork, ob/gyn, counselling (for crazy old women who don't know what birth control is, I suppose). Todd is going in for a day surgery next week; the idea being that there will be no more "unexpected surprises" *wink wink* His boss at work was teasing him, he said "So you've finally figured out what's been causing all the pregnancies!" Funny guy, eh?
Well, it's another cold, gray, drizzly day here - so much for trying a little yard work. It's just no fun if you can't feel your fingers. One small consolation - the fog has dissolved the last of the filthy dirty pile of snow on our front yard. Now you can see the whole dead yellow lawn in all it's glory! Heh heh heh. I know the sun is up there somewhere, 'cause we're all still alive, and there is a bit a daylight breaking through the fog. I will just wait longer, I guess :o) Oh, and just 'cause I know you need to know - I have not shaved my legs in preparation. I feel there is absolutely no rush!


Tuffysmom said...

Alas, I have shaved my legs in vain...although today was nice enough to hang clothes on the line.
Yay..Caitlyn is getting up there...God knows she eats enough..hehehehe..Thank God.
I don't know if I should say this or not, but I think it's funny so I'm going to. Now Jim said this..not me...Jim.
He said "They should both get clipped the way they go at it!" Hahahahahahaha.
Do you think maybe he's a tad bit jealous cause his 'goin at it days' are pretty much over. hahahahahahahah...Man I kill myself.
Well you sound extremely busy. Hope all is well and keep me updated on all events.
Love you all lots
Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

NanNan said...

I was thinking it was Todd's way of getting a year off!!!
Hope all goes well with those appointments-- and ultrasounds!! As for shaving legs,, the sun was out today, so I'm thinking I should see if I still have a razor-- and shave five pounds off my legs!!