Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

I am a very bad child - I did not call my Mom today! There is no excuse, so all I can do is hope she forgives me, 'cause I do love and appreciate her, and, after all, I am her favorite. Right, Mom? Mom? Anyway, I wish my Mom, and all our extended Blog-Fam's Moms, the best Mother's Day. Love to you all!
As for me and mine: I had a nice Mother's Day. I got breakfast in bed, prepared by my boys, and not too early in the morning :o) They all got together, and gave me flowers and a really nice gardening book, too. Todd took a million pictures, none of which shall ever be viewed publicly, as I was still in bed, hair not combed, etc! I have had to do only minimal house work today, and even got to have a nice nap this evening. Why can't every day be mother's day?
Todd's mom is in town for tonight, as she is flying to Halifax tomorrow morning to stay with her daughter Tracey, who is about 30 weeks pregnant, and is having some trouble with toxemia. She's getting excellent care, so we are hoping everything will turn out just fine. Anyway, Sharon brought a beautiful cherry cake with her, so that's what I've been feasting on all evening. It's nice when the in-laws come! :o)
Todd had a "minor" surgery last Friday, so he has been walking around ever so carefully this weekend. He'll probably have to take tomorrow off, too - I guess he got roughed up a little bit. Gee, I hope that wasn't too much information for anybody... tee hee hee
Well, gotta go, maybe have another piece of that cake. After all, I am eating for two - again!


Tuffysmom said...'re my favorite (sigh). I have to tell that to all of them! I had a very nice Mother's Day...because NOT EVEN ONE of my children called, I bought myself a New TV.. Read my blog about it.
By the way Todd better send me some of those pictures..I am not the general public..hehehehe.
So Todd had his surgery eh? I hope he's feeling better soon. Actually I think it's only fair that men should have some share of the general pain that comes with having or not having children..What the heck did I just say.
I guess my point is 'No pain, no gain'.
I'm glad you posted...seems like no-one is 'blogging' anymore.sob sob sob.
Anyway..Love you lots and lots...take care, keep well, look after yourself and the babies!
And know that you are my heart!
Lots of love
Mommy xxxx ooooo xxxxx

Tuffysmom said...

P.S. I get your cartoon about the dog poop!