Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Snow?! Noooooo!

No fair - I don't have my winter tires on yet! I don't know where my windshield brushy thingy is! Where are my gloves?! *sob* *sob* Yep, the first snow-fall is here. So it's rather skimpy, and I don't need to shovel, and it will likely be gone by the time I finish my coffee. That's not the point! I am not psychologically prepared for snow. I need time to mentally gird my loins. I have not yet recovered from the trauma of last winter. And I have no idea what happened to the shovels. I am so not like NorthernLight, who was actually happy about their first snowfall. Of course, maybe if I had a skidoo I would be as excited... nah, probably not!
Well, I better get to the grocery store, stock up on cookies and pies for the coming "hibernation" period. Need extra fat to keep warm, you know ;)


NanNan said...

OMG-- same scenario here-- every year we need to buy new window scrapers, but we keep the winter tires on all year, after I had a near fatal winter accident two years ago!!!
We had snow here on the weekend-- it didn't last much after it hit the ground--- but Jack Frost has been a frequent morning visitor--- so it's coming soon----

NanNan said...
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Tuffysmom said...

We haven't had snow yet! But I am never psychologically prepared for winter!! I hate the cold. And the snow! And the heating bills now...ack.
Did you get a strawberry-rhubarb pie? My favorite.
Gee, I miss you guys.....
Lots of love
Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

Gillian said...

I'm scrolling!

But i am afraid b/c this week's forecast calls for +7 on Friday! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Thanks for fixing the prob, you computer genius! So, have you managed to hack the FBI website yet??? hahaha


mikki said...

+7!! Yay - that's a good thing, NL! hehehehe

Fireguy said...

Your site works fine on my end now - great! And so does Tuffysmom's site - you must have tinkeres with that too?