I almost forgot!
I've been tagged by NanNan
One book that changed your life: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
One book you have read more than once: Swan Song
One book you would want on a desert island: Baha’I prayer book
One book that made you laugh: Uncle John's Bathroom Reader
One book that made you cry: Companion Through the Darkness: Inner Dialogues on Grief
One book you wish had been written: Owners Manual for Every Child You've Ever Had
One book you wish had never been written: Mein Kampf
One book you are currently reading: Quantum Web
One book you have been meaning to read: Koran
Whew - that actually made me think! I need to go lie down now *hehehehe* I'm not going to bother tagging five other people with this, since we all know the same bloggers :o)
I just can't think of any book that changed my life. Now if the questionnaire was about songs, I could answer every one of those questions very easily.
Love, Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx
Thanks mikki-- won't make a habit of it--- two of your answers were the same as housebands-- have a good trip!!
I really liked how you linked all the books-- will check them out-- that first one sounds like a killer- definately not toilet seat reading!!!!
Thank you for not tagging. I've been tagged, and I'm still thinking.
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