Friday, July 14, 2006

Sneaking a minute in...

The competition here is getting stiff - way too many people want to use these computers (we have three in the house)! So, I have to sneak in here while the others are distracted with the baby *mwa ha ha ha ha* Speaking of Caitlyn, she had a very fussy day yesterday - she just got her first set of needles, one in each leg, and it ruined her whole day. Hopefully she'll feel better today.

It's cool and rainy today - finally can move around without getting soaked with sweat. Us old girls just can't handle the heat anymore!

Anyway, I better get back to the others before they notice I'm gone. Besides, I have to see if Todd is making breakfast yet ~smirk~


Fireguy said...

Hi! Glad you "snuck" in to get a post in. You should have a "pick-a-number" system for the computers. How about a time limit like at the library?
That would go over like a lead balloon...ha
Take care.

NanNan said...

I think bloggers should have priority--- glad you found time for us-- whadda ya mean--you don't know what old is -- but it must be scary for all you youguns in our blogger world, hearing all the elderly complaints--- I take it Todd doesn't know about this blog site???? ha ha ha or he is a real good sport!!

mikki said...

Todd knows about this site - he says he's going to start Blogging too, so he can post bad pictures of me! I'm not too worried, though - he uses his computer for Star Trek games, war games, golf games, etc :o)

NanNan said...

Everytime I click on your page, I feel like sticking my tongue right back at him-- poor Todd--- we haven't even met yet---- and I think I will stick my tongue out at him when we do meet-- Hey Mikki, wanna buy a camper???

NanNan said...

Pictures, pictures, pictures, images, kodak moments, photographs, photos, piccys, hint hint?????

NanNan said...

not tongue sticky out kind-- I feel I know Todd's tongue more than I would like---- something just doesn't feel right looking at his tongue 65 times a day--- and I can't help clicking on Mikki---I'm seeing his tongue even when I'm not looking at the picture-- help, I need to get reprogrammed---- it's a brainwashing technique, I think he doesn't like me-- why is he sticking his tongue out at me all day, every day,help!!!!!!!!!

Tuffysmom said...

Hey Mikki...Sue had a good time we visit, we will stay in Jamie's room (after all, he does have a double bed) and he can have the computer room! How come she's so brilliant, and we aren't????
Such a simple solution.