Three weeks ago, Todd and I said "Hey, let's go camping for a few days!" He arranged for a couple days off work, I set up the tent in the back yard to make sure it is in working order, we started making grocery lists, and so on. So what happens when his first day off comes? The temperature drops like crazy, and we get heavy rain fall. For three weeks. High winds. Thunder storms. Cold fog, drizzle, etc. For three weeks. Did I say that already? Sorry... Anyway, today was absolutely gorgeous. Of course it was. Today Todd had to leave for a 4 day convention. No camping for us! The tent has been blown all over hell and back (well, actually, just all over the back yard, but you get the idea). I haven't even been able to take it down to put it away - I was waiting for it to dry. I shake my fists at the sky!! *sniff*
Anyhoo... I got a couple of second-hand dressers for $25 each. They are a bit battered and dirty, but they have potential. If I have any luck at all, I might get some time to clean them up, repaint them, and maybe try a little creative decorating. Considering that it takes me all day just to wash some dishes, due to constant interuptions by little princesses, I cannot predict when said dressers will be ready for use. Maybe they'll end up just sitting there, all dirty and in the way, until one day I finally just sell them to some other procrastinator :)
Anyhoo #2... So the neighbors decided they were tired of raking leaves every fall, and went and chopped down a big, beautiful tree that bordered our yards. Todd and I are traumatized! We feel very exposed now, 'cause the neighbors can now see every move we make if we so much as poke a nose out the back door. We can see all the back yards in a row right to the corner. Our privacy has been ripped away. It's funny how upset we are - it just feels like we've been robbed. We have decided we are going to plant a couple of fast growing maples on our side of the fence, but it'll still be a few years before they grow high enough. I don't want the old lady next door hollering "HI!" at me every time I let the dog out for a pee! *pout* And what kind of nut job chops down a perfectly healthy tree simply to avoid raking?!
Anyhoo #3... Girls are doing well. Raina just had her first birthday, which means she also had a round of immunizations. She seems to be feeling ok so far, but she sure was unhappy at the time. The nurse asked, "Is this her normal cry?" If you'd ever heard an angry Raina cry, you would understand the question. That child can make my head ring. I think my mother once said something was so loud that she went blind. I understand now what she meant :) Caitlyn will be seeing the opthalmologist (for her lazy eye) on Monday, and she has an appointment with a developmental pediatrician (for possible autism diagnosis) in September. She has no idea these appointments are scheduled, and she could not care less! She's just having fun tormenting the cats and dog, playing in her pool (when it is not cold and rainy), playing her ukelele and singing, and basically doing whatever her little heart desires. She is just so adorable! I love watching her little fuzzy head bobbing as she runs around. Adorable! Raina is also cute, which is a good thing, 'cause with her piercing shrieks, cuteness is a necessary survival mechanism. She has become ridiculously attached to me lately, which makes it hard to do anything at all. Just going for a pee is traumatic - very difficult to "let it flow" while listening to your baby wailing pitifully outside the door. *sigh* She is finally learning to crawl, so I am hoping once she realizes she can get around on her own, she'll want some freedom. I know I do!
Anyhoo #4... I have been thinking about going back to work soon. It really depends on whether Raina will get more excited about solid food, and ease back on the breast-feeding. She is just not keen on food. She had a bout of constipation which made her feel pretty crappy (haw haw haw... sorry), and her appetite is just not great. She loves nursing, too, and thinks bottles are for playing with. I can't rush her, 'cause that'll just cause bad feelings all around, and maybe even cause her to have food "issues". It is difficult, sometimes, because so many people say things like "you need to get her off the tit!" Easy enough to say when it is not your child whose nutrition, growth and health are your concern. She is small for her age, and her growth has slowed down since her last check, so she needs all the nutrition she can get. And even though I yearn for my personal freedom, my wants are just not as high a priority as her needs. So, I am waiting... You know, even though I believe I am doing the right thing, it is strange how much it seems like I am trying to justify my choice. I am not going to apologize any more. So there! :)
I think I have run out of steam for now - perhaps I shall go flake out on the couch for a while! Until next time, then...
Great post Mikki. So good to hear all the news. The picture is just too cute. I agree that it's a good thing kids are cute..we used to say that about Jamie..didn't we?
I hope that the remark about weaning Raina wasn't meant for me only....I only ask out of don't have to defend yourself to me. I am always totally 100% behind you.
And yes, I remember the comment about a noise being so loud, temporary blindness occurred...hehehehe.
Going back to work would be nice I believe...get to talk to adult people for a while.
Anyhoo...thanks for all the sorry about the tree! Hope Caitlyn does well with her tests..please keep me posted.
Love you all lots
Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx
And here's me thinking I had checked your blog earlier--- like striking gold!!
Our camping trip was a washout/coldout too-- worst summer yet-- and doesn't seem to be getting better-- September is usually nice,, nice enough to come to Yarmouth and satisfy that camping urge in our front yard,, our lakefront yard,, with camper, firepit, kayak, and if weather doesn't cooperate,, run inside --choice of beds, crib, toys, tvs!! I want to play with your kids before they figure out that I am some fat old ugly aunt that they've never met!! And Todd too-he knows I'm all of those things-- I solemnly swear, before all blog witnesses, that I will not coerce you again! My final desperate plea to thee--- The girls are gorgeous-- don't worry about weaning,, time passes too fast-- these days are special-- work will still be there when you're both ready!! See you in September!!
Hey..we are blogging again.
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