Monday, March 19, 2007

Dare I hope?

There seems to be a tiny bit of blue in the sky these last couple of days, and it appears as if the mountains of snow are shrinking. I'd like to believe that means the worst is over, but alas, I live in Newfoundland, where it can snow in June. Still, the air does smell a little more "spring-y". It just makes me want it more! I am actually starting to look at the gardening flyers and books, which is kind of exciting, 'cause I haven't really wanted to do any gardening since Max died. Maybe it's time... But, I can't do a darn thing out there until the snow is actually gone. I may have to get some hair dryers and extension cords on the go here :o) Oh please, please, let winter be over!


Tuffysmom said...

There's blue in the sky here as well, but no snow. However, it is soooooo cold, the ground is frozen to it's very core!
I'm glad you're thinking of gardening, because if you run out of places to plant things, you can come over here and fix up my place. I wouldn't mind...really. Really, I wouldn't.
I love the longer days, don't you?
Take care you and yours a lot!
Mommy xxxx oooo xxxxx

NanNan said...

Today is the 23, and though I think of you everyday,, today I am sending you lots of love and hugs, and saying prayers for Max--- it's so hard to believe another year has gone by---- we don't forget,, ever!! love you

Tuffysmom said...

Hello my love.
I guess you know that you are going to get an unexpected visitor for two weeks.
Jim gave me my Birthday present early. Gee, I really hope you are happy about it.
Now, I only have two weeks to bond with Caitlyn, so I am going to wear 'patches'. I don't want to be running out of the house every two minutes.
God, I am so excited...can't wait to see her and make her mine..hehehhehe.
I will advise you of my arrival time on Apr 3rd..when I find my ticket..hehehehe.
Love you bunches and bunches.
See you soon.
Love Mommy xxxxx ooooo xxxxx

Tuffysmom said...

P.S. I didn't forget Mar. 21st or Mar 23rd.
My thoughts and love are always with you.