Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Insomniac Ramblings

So, I haven't been able to post in a while - long-term lack of sleep has made me a little sluggish. For the record, babies do not sleep through the night just because they are eating solid foods. Much to my dismay... ~sigh~ All I can say is, it's a good thing she's cute!
baby sign
I would post more, but it is late, and I still need sleep... At least all my dedicated fans now know I am alive! hee hee hee


Tuffysmom said...

18 Years? Who are you kidding? The entire rest of your entire LIFE!!!!
Love you lots..Mommy
xxxxx oooooo xxxxxx

NanNan said...

Whadda ya mean 18 years??? Those kids grow up and reproduce-- it never ends!!!!!!!! Just an encouraging little note, but glad to see you're still kicking!!

Funnyface said...

Oh take it from TM, and Nan, it never ends!!!
It just keeps going, and going.
But its nice to hear form you again...